
Kamis, 27 November 2014

Sejarah IC TTL



2.1.1 Sejarah

TTL ditemukan oleh James L. Buie dari TRW, "particularly suited to the newly developing integrated circuit design technology". IC TTL komersial pertama dibuat oleh Sylvania pada 1963, dinamai Sylvania Universal High-Level Logic family (SUHL). Peranti dari Sylvania ini digunakan dalam misil Phoenix. TTL menjadi terkenal pada pendesain sistem elektronik setelah Texas Instruments memperkenalkan seri 5400, dengan daerah suhu untuk militer, pada 1964 dan pada akhirnya seri 7400 pada 1966 dengan daerah suhu yang lebih rendah. Keluarga 7400 dari Texas Instrument menjadi standar industri. Peranti yang cocok dibuat oleh Motorola, AMD, Fairchild, Intel, Intersil, Signetics, Mullard, Siemens, SGS-Thomson/ST microelectronic dan National Semiconductor, dan banyak perusahaan lainnya, bahkan di bekas Uni Soviet. Tidak hanya membuat peranti TTL yang kompatibel, tetapi peranti kompatibel juga dibuat dengan menggunakan teknologi sirkuit lainnya. Istilah TTL digunakan pada banyak logika penyempurnaan yang menggunakan transistor dwikutub, dengan beberapa penyempurnaan di kecepatan dan kebutuhan daya selama lebih dari dua dekade. Keluarga populer yang terakhir adalah 74AS/ALS Advanced Schottky, dikenalkan pada 1985. Hingga 2009, Texas Instruments tetap memproduksi IC kegunaan umum dalam banyak keluarga teknologi usang, walaupun dengan harga yang semakin mahal. Biasanya, chip TTL memadukan tidak lebih dari beberapa ratus transistor. Fungsi yang dipunyai sebuah kemasan tunggal bervariasi dari beberapa gerbang logika hingga mikroprosesor. TTL juga menjadi penting karena harganya yang muram membuat teknik digital cukup ekonomis untuk menggantikan pekerjaan yang sebelumnya dilakukan oleh teknik analog. Kenbak-1, salah satu komputer pribadi pertama, menggunakan TTL untuk CPU daripada menggunakan mikroprosesor yang belum tersedia pada tahun 1971. 1973 Xerox Alto dan 1981 Star, yang mengenalkan GUI, menggunakan sirkuit TTL pada taraf ALU. Banyak komputer yang menggunakan logika kompatibel-TTL hingga tahun 1990-an. Hingga penemuan logika dapat diprogramkan, logika dwikutub tersendiri digunakan untuk percobaan dan pengembangan sirkuit digital terpadu lainnya.

2.3 Tabel Technical Spec IC


Fungsi logika


Level Tegangan


Quad Buffer




Octal Driver / Line Driver




Octal Driver / Line Driver




Octal Driver / Line Driver




Octal Driver / Line Driver




Octal Driver / Line Driver




Octal Driver / Line Driver




Octal Driver / Line Driver




Single Bus Buffer Gate




Quad Bus Buffer Gate




Single Bus Buffer Gate




Octal Bus Driver




Octal Driver / Line Driver




Octal Driver / Line Driver




Octal Driver / Line Driver




Octal Driver / Line Driver




Octal Driver / Line Driver



7400 N

Quadruple door NOT - AND at 2 entries

7401 N

Quadruple door NOT - AND at 2 entries with open collector

7402 N

Quadruple door NOT - OR at 2 entries

7403 N

Quadruple door NOT - AND at 2 entries with open collector

7404 N

6 reversers

7405 N

6 reversers with open collector

7406 N

6 stages of attack reverser to open collector for 40 my

7407 N

6 stages of attack to open collector for 40 my

7408 N

Quadruple door AND at 2 entries

7409 N

Quadruple door AND at 2 entries with open collector

7410 N

Triple carries NOT - AND at 3 entries

7411 N

Triple carries AND to 3 entry

7412 N

Triple carries NOT - AND at 3 entries with open collector

7413 N

Double door NOT - AND at 4 entries

7414 N

6 reversers trigger

7416 N

6 reversers of powers to open collector

7417 N

6 stages of attack to open collector for 40 my

7420 N

Double door NOT - AND at 4 entries

7422 N

Double door NOT - AND at 4 entries with open collector

7423 N

Double door NOT - OR at 4 entries expansible and strobe

7425 N

Double door NOT - OR at 4 entries and strobe

7426 N

Quadruple door NOT - AND with 2 entries - High voltage

7427 N

Triple carries NOT - OR at 3 entries

7428 N

Quadruple NOR door at 2 entries

7430 N

Carry NOT - AND at 8 entries

7432 N

Quadruple door OR at 2 entries

7437 N

Quadruple door NOT - AND of power at 2 entries

7438 N

Quadruple door NOT - AND of power at 2 entries and open collector

7440 N

Double door NOT - AND of power at 4 entries

7442 N

Decimal decoder BCD

7443 N

Decoder excesses of 3 - decimal

7444 N

Decoder excesses of 3 Gray - decimal

7445 N

Decimal decoder BCD with open collector for 80 my and 30 V or 15 V

7446 AN

Decoder BCD 7 segments with open collector with 30 V/20 my

7447 AN

Decoder BCD 7 segments with open collector with 30 V/20 my

7448 N

Decoder BCD 7 segments

7450 N

Double door AND/OR - NOT to 2 X 2 entries

7451 N

Double door reverser AND/OR - NOT to 2 X 2 entries

7453 N

Carry reverser AND/OR - NOT to 4 X 2 entries expansible

7454 N

Carry reverser AND/OR - NOT to 4 X 2 entries

7460 N

Double door of multiplication at 4 entries

7470 N

Flip-flop JK to 2 X 3 entries

7472 N

Main flip-flop slave with 2 X 3 entries

7473 N

Main flip-flop slave with entry reset

7474 N

Double Flip-flop D synchronous

7475 N

Quadruple Flip-flop D asynchronous

7476 N

Double main Flip-flop JK slave with entries set and reset

7480 N

Full adder with 1 bit

7481 N

Memory with 16 bits writing/reading

7482 N

Full adder with 2 bits

7483 AN

Full adder with 4 bits

7484 AN

Memory with 16 bits writing/reading at 2 entries of writing and reading

7485 N

Binary comparator with 4 bits

7486 N

Quadruple door OR Exclusive

7489 N

Memory with 64 bits writing/reading with open collector

7490 AN

Decimal scaler

7491 AN

Register with shift with 8 bits series

7492 N

Divider by 12

7493 N

Binary counter

7494 N

Register with shift 4 bits at parallel entry

7495 AN

Register with shift 4 bits entered and 4 parallel ports

7496 N

Register with parallel shift 5 bits

7497 N

Divider of synchronous binary frequency programmable 6 bits

74100 N

Octo-Flip-failure D

74107 N

Double main Flip-flop JK slave with entry reset

74110 N

Main flip-flop JK slave with blocking of entry

74111 N

Double main Flip-flop JK slave with blocking of entry

74118 N

Sixfold Flip-flop RS at common entry of reset

74120 N

Double synchronization of impulses

74121 N


74122 N

Monostable redéclenchable at entry reset

74123 N

Double monostable redéclenchable at entry reset

74125 N

4 doors YES at exits 3 states

74132 N

Quadruple Trigger de Schmitt NOT - AND at 2 entries

74141 AN

Decimal decoder BCD for tubes of posting

74142 N

Decimal scaler and ordering of NIXIE

74145 N

Decimal decoder BCD with open collector for 80 my and 30 V or 15 V

74148 N

8 To 3 Line Priority Encoder

74150 N

Selector of data 16 bits/multiplexer

74151 N

Selector of data 8 bits/multiplexer

74153 N

Double selector of data 4 bits/multiplexer

74154 N

Binary decoder 4 bits/demultiplexer

74155 N

Double binary decoder 2 bits/demultiplexer

74156 N

Double binary decoder 2 bits/demultiplexer

74157 N

Quadruple selector of information 2 bits/multiplexer

74160 N

Synchronous decimal scaler at entry of set and reset

74161 N

Synchronous decimal scaler at entry of set and reset

74162 N

Synchronous binary counter 4 bits at entry of set and reset

74163 N

Synchronous binary counter 4 bits at entry of set and reset

74164 N

Register with shift 8 bits at parallel port

74165 N

Register shift 8 bits at parallel entry

74166 N

Register with synchronous shift 8 bits at parallel entry

74167 N

Divider of frequencies, decimal

74170 N

Memory with 16 bits writing/reading with words to 4 bits

74174 N

Sixfold Flip-flop D at entry of reset

74175 N

Quadruple Flip-flop D synchronous

74180 N

Parity check 8 bits

74181 N

Arithmetic logical unit 4 bits

74184 N

Binary converter BCD 6 bits

74185 AN

Binary converter BCD 6 bits

74190 N

Reversible decimal scaler for synchronous counting chain

74191 N

Reversible binary counter for synchronous counting chain

74192 N

Meter decimal discounting machine with set and reset

74193 N

Binary meter discounting machine with set and reset

74194 N

Register with synchronous 4 bits right-hand side/left parallel shift

74195 N

Register with synchronous shift parallel 4 bits with entry JK

74196 N

Decimal scaler 50 MHz with entry of set and reset

74197 N

Binary counter 50 MHz with entry of set and reset

74198 N

Register with synchronous shift 8 bits at entry and port parallel

74199 N

Register with synchronous shift 8 bits parallel at entry JK


Driver of bus not reverser


Quad drunk transceiver inverting


4 transcoders not reverser 3 states


74795 : Octal Buffer with Three-State Outputs (74LS795 is equivalent to 81LS95)


74797 : Octal Buffer with Three-State Outputs (74LS797 is equivalent to 81LS97)

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